The Bloggers' Cafe has already made a mark. Standing room only (until we got more chairs!) and upwards of 50 people all hanging out. AWESOME! A great place to chill, re-charge your laptop, meet new people, talk about hot topics (like flexible vs. fixed schedules) and share ideas. as Laura said: "Open Mike for Geeks" now if only we could have a strong, reliable Internet wireless connection in that corner life would be GOLDEN! Gah!

AASL Tech Angels!

I'm presenting my Gadget-A-Go-Go session this morning at 9:30: excited & a little nervous. Worried about connectivity - was very frustrating yesterday.....took some doofy movies with my digi cam back at the hotel...i really hope i won't have to show them. shaky dark cam....talk about Paranormal Technology! LOL and i'm super excited about the Library Tools Smackdown today!!
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