
I stumbled across this list and was very impressed. WOW... in only a few short years so many ways to modify, use, manipulate and make a site like Twitter work for you and your individual needs. Does anyone really need 274 Twitter Apps in their life? Prolly not, but it's great to have that many to choose from!
"Twitter applications can be called by different names. They are sometimes called as "twitter tools", "twitter add-ons" and the likes. But whatever the name they are called, they are simply websites which have built-in scripts that complement Twitter."
Here's a sampling:
Graphic Twitter Resources
Resources where you can get backgrounds for your profile as well as icons to put in your blog
- Twitter Backs
- Free Twitter Backgrounds. Includes @problogger's background.
- Twitter Patterns
- 50 design patterns you can easily use for your twitter background
- Tweet Backs
- Some twitter backgrounds you could use
- Siah Design
- free Twitter buttons you could use as well as animated ones.
- Buttons
- Follow me on twitter buttons
- Twignature
- Create your own twitter
Use Twitter on Your Site or Blog
Tools that can integrate Twitter to your site or blog
- Add Tweets
- Make Twitter Update Widgets for site or blog using javascript
- Twitterfeed
- Post your blog to Twitter through your RSS feed
- Feed Tweeter
- integrate Twitter with Plurk, your blog and delicious
- Twitter Counter
- Display your follower count on your site or blog.
- Twit This
- Add this option so people can easily tweet information from your site or blog
- Twitter Tools
- A wordpress plugin that lets you integrate Twitter with your blog. You can send your updates to your blog as well as create tweets directly from your blog
- Twitter for Wordpress
- displays latest tweets on your blog
- Loudtwitter
- Ships your tweets to your blog
- Twitter Sharts
- 'Shart' your twitter status anywhere within your wordpress blog posts or pages
- Twitt Twoo
- plugin that will allow you to update your Twitter status right from your blog's sidebar.
- Twitter Updater
- automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post
- Twitter Wordpress Sidebar Widget
- a wordpress widget where you can send your tweets to your blog
- WordTwit
- a plugin that utilizes the Twitter API to automatically push a post to your Twitter account when it is first published.
- Comment Twitter SMS Notification
- plug in to be notified by SMS when a user post a new comment on your blog.
- Stammy's RSS To Twitter
- Not too many people have access to a Ruby-enabled server so the author decided to make a simple PHP script to get the job done.
- PingTwitter
- automatically update your Twitter Account when you publish a new blog post
Create Reviews via Twitter
Who thought 140 character won't make reviews?
- Micro Reviews
- Post reviews on Twitter
- Notches
- Submit reviews. A partner of Microreview
- Louder Tweets
- Have your reviews of certain products posted
Tweet Reading Tools
change how you read tweets
- Twitter Digest
- Read tweets digest-style
- Tweet2tweet
- Read the conversations between two people on twitter.
- Twalala
- Choose the tweets you wants to read. Mute people or mute topics that you don't want to read
Twitter as an organizer
Remind yourself of certain activities you have to do
- Remember the Milk
- Manage tasks on Twitter as well as set notifications for yourself
- Twittercal
- Integrate your Google Calendar with Twitter
- My Chores
- Track your chores
- Planypus
- Make plans and export them to Twitter
- Server Mojo
- Monitor your server with Twitter

Integrate Twitter with Files, Images and Videos
Upload anything to Twitter
- Twitpic
- Let you share photos on Twitter
- Autopostr
- Update your Twitter when you post a Flickr picture
- Snaptweet
- Share your Flickr photos on Twitter
- Twixr
- Allows you to share pictures on Twitter via your mobile phone
- Visual Twitter
- Answers "what are you doing?" with pictures.
- Twitter Poster
- A huge conglomeration of Twitter user images.
- Twiddeo
- Think Twitter updates + video
- Twitplus
- Make tweets with pictures, videos and files
- Twittershare
- Share pictures, music, video and other files on Twitter.
- Twixxer
- Share photos and videos on Twitter
- Tweet Cube
- Upload files to Twitter
- Pikter
- Post pictures on Twitter
by airabongco from Squidoo
also check out her:
And when 140 Characters Just Aren't Enough?
SUMO Tweet!

Amazing Website. Keep Up The Good Work