This month at the
TL Virtual Cafe:
Skype an Author
June 7th 8pm EST
Guests: Dr. Mona Kerby & Sarah Chauncey
Ramona N. Kerby and Sarah Chauncey will talk about their groundbreaking project and site, Skype an Author! Join the TL Virtual Cafe to learn about
Skype an Author: "The mission of the Skype an Author Network is to provide K-12 teachers and librarians with a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits."
I am so thrilled to be hosting this webinar - these ladies through the goodness of their hearts and through their creative minds have built a ground breaking project and website that brings authors virtually into schools to talk to kids...FOR FREE!
Archive, Transcript, & Resources
Funny thing, last year I was in talks with Newfoundland folklorist, storyteller, and author
Dale Jarvis and wanted to arrange a Skype or Second Life visit with my kids...sadly my county blocked both sites and wouldn't clear them for a day....being stubborn and redheaded we worked around it by Dale recording his stories and uploading them to both TeacherTube and YouTube for our
Many Voices, Many Stories, & Many Lands: a 6th Grade English Folklore Unit
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