---A Video from the American Chemical Society
CAVEAT: Never do ANYTHING like this without Admin support! I called my principal first - he readily gave his permission to assist a teacher with her instructional goals.
"Imagine a day without cars, electric lights, TV, telephones, safe food, water, medicine, clothing, your house, and other things that make up modern life. Do it, and you are imagining a day without chemistry.
Aren't you glad you live in a world with chemistry? February 1st is the kickoff of the 2011 International Year of Chemistry, so take some time this year to appreciate the importance of chemistry in your everyday life!" - by Adam Dylewski
Produced by the ACS Office of Public Affairs, Digital Services Unit
and the Younger Chemists Committee
Video Credit:
Concept and Direction by Adam Dylewski and Mick Hurrey, Ph.D.
Art Direction and Animation by Kirk Zamieroski
Sound Design by Adam Dylewski
Ms. Jones as a Pirate AND a Ninja for Science!
What it took to get to show this video to my kids and how I became more pirate than ninja today - for a good cause--- SCIENCE!
Like I said at EduCon (which was - AWEsome - more later!) Sometimes you have to be shady for a good cause!
You can't think OUT of the box if you're boxed in by filters & firewalls!
I went to the website American Chemistry Society webpage and got faced with the dreaded Locked NET Monster filter warning because the ACS decided to load their new video only on the YouTubes. DOH! So....give up? NEVER!
NOW teachers or schools wanting to show this cool video celebrating the International Year of Chemistry can do so (see embed code on my flickr under SHARE) --- never minding being blocked by the fliters - the message is the thing!
Comment I left for them on the YouTubes vid:

How to use KeepVid Comic Tutorial to snag educational videos for the good of learning & instruction! (click comic for different size options - Creative Commons - FREE to download, use, share!)
and the Younger Chemists Committee
Video Credit:
Concept and Direction by Adam Dylewski and Mick Hurrey, Ph.D.
Art Direction and Animation by Kirk Zamieroski
Sound Design by Adam Dylewski
What it took to get to show this video to my kids and how I became more pirate than ninja today - for a good cause--- SCIENCE!
Like I said at EduCon (which was - AWEsome - more later!) Sometimes you have to be shady for a good cause!

I went to the website American Chemistry Society webpage and got faced with the dreaded Locked NET Monster filter warning because the ACS decided to load their new video only on the YouTubes. DOH! So....give up? NEVER!
- I used my Verizon Android Fascinate phone's 3G hotspot & bypassed our firewall to access YouTube to get the American Chemistry Society video! BAM!
- Copy & pasted the URL to the video & opened keepvid.com to download BloopBloop!
- Downloaded it as a medium quality .MP4 Zing!
- Uploaded the video to my Flickr account - making sure to leave a comment on the ACS's YouTube account saying so & giving full attribution (of course!) Pow!
Comment I left for them on the YouTubes vid:
How to Be a Ninja!
Do NOT use this tactic to download the latest Justin Bieber video - that would be just.like.wrong.
PS. this is why I'm the DARING Librarian! Ka-Pow!
A Day Without Chemistry: Pirate Ninja Style!
Tags, Adam Dylewski, American Chemistry Society, chemistry, flickr, keepvid, science, youtube
Orig posted on the Daring MHMS Media Blog!