It's that time of year again! Time to beg, cajole, tease, torture (audibly), and plead to get our Library Media materials back. With 27% of our students on free & reduced lunch I know that we have a large group of kids that probably can't pay for their lost books...and I've made peace with the fact that I'm never gonna get ALL my books, digital playaways, & CD's back. I shoot for a loss of 30 a year. Sometimes it's more - sometimes it's less. And, That's OK! That's the cost of doing business. Some of my kids might not return a book because they LOVE it and they can't buy it to keep for their personal libraries. So, if that could possibly EVER be the case I only push so far. BUT... I do everything I can to get those materials back because though I'm understanding, I'm still trying to teach responsibility, respect for property, and accountability! That's why I have lots of creative ways to get our books back. And yes, I also make 80 or so phone calls every year - to every number I have of moms, dads, aunties, grandmas, whoever is our primary caretaker to get that super hero help from our awesome grownups - some of whom don't even know that their kid has an overdue book! Muuwaaa! I'm gonna share the videos & Blabberize animations that we've made for this time of year for the last few years. The above video was mad with Blabberize with Guest Zombie voice of 6th grader the Cool Master Z Ricky! Funny how these videos are also a snapshot of pop culture - what's funny, hip, groanworthy, despised, or basic fodder for parody a the time - therefore their shelf life may vary! PS. Zombies Are ALWAYS in Style! (see end of post for more brains!)
Last year we focused on our buddy Justin Bieber...and funny, one of my classroom teachers complained to my principal that they thought the video defamed Canada! What the what!? I LOVE CANADA! (esp. my Saskatoon peeps! Holla!) You can ask anyone aboot that! ;-)
Twilight's Bella & Edward have also been the object of our parody! Which I blogged about more last year and about how Bella is a typical MARY SUE trope fan fiction wannabe!
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