The Backstory:
Taking our TLVirtual Cafe webinar series and Twitter chat #TLChat one step farther a few months ago we started #TLChat Live! (For some reason I always have to type the word LIVE! and Science! with an exclamation - don't judge.) Spearheaded by Joyce Valenza,
We meet the 2nd Mondays of the month at 8pm Eastern time, we chat for an hour on a crowdsourced topic, share ideas, grow our PLN, make new connections, and enjoy each others company! It's grand! Our first Live! discussion hour was on September 17th and thanks to Library Girl Jennifer LaGarde we have a cool infographic created with to share about it!
Wow! Pretty outstanding, right? The Archive from the chat is embedded on our wikipage. (come right back I wanna tell you how to do it, k!?)
Dr. Joyce Valenza to the rescue! She found a way to use this cool site Search Hash and Google Apps to easily archive, publish, & embed Tweets on a Wikispaces, website, or a blog!
Here's a big size for your viewing pleasure which can be found on my Flickr Page!
Important Tips:
Here are some afterthoughts that were too long to make it to the comic. I do try & be brief on those, you know!
• Twitter hashtags are time sensitive. You can't go back in time & grab them all, grab them soon after the event, conference, or conversation takes place.
• Search Hash is British - so make doubly sure when you put in the date it's YYYY-MM-DD.
• HIDE certain columns of information then re-size fields so that the user name can be easily read & the Tweet isn't all mushed (#TechnicalTerm)
• Export out your Spreadsheet to MS XLS to easily sort your Tweets by author & to gather raw Data for Infographics! Aggregated data is SEXY!
• REMEMBER: Scroll down & read from the bottom of the spreadsheet up! Tweets are chronological that way.
• After you grab the EMBED code & before you publish it - I edited and hanged the size of the pixel width & the depth of the embed - so readers could see a large part of the page without too much scrolling.
Like the comic? Want to make your own? Read my blog posting Creating A Comic Life to learn how!
Your comments, thoughts, & ideas contribute to the conversation! What do you want discussed at our next #TLChat?
Search Hash was created by Dave Briggs and Steph Gray. n.b. Results cached for 60 minutes; it isn't designed for realtime search.
Participate in our next #TLChat Live! Monday, Dec 10th 8pm ET - What's Your Choice? Please vote on our Twtpoll!
Get ALL my Comic Tutorials on my Flickr Gallery!
Resources and Links:
ReadWrite – 10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets
How to archive your tweets | Macworld
Eight ways to save your tweets | VentureBeat
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags
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