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Taking Your Blog to the Next Level!
So you've started a blog! AWESOME! But have you taken it to the next level? Or have you neglected it and need to get -rededicated to the blogging process? Did you know that you can use your blog as a one stop web presence shop? You can include a bio page, a page for contact, a page for links & resources, and more!  Join the amazing and inspiring Edublogger heself, Sue Waters for a fabulous FREE Webinar Monday November 4th at 8pm Eastern USA time (or if you're one of our Aussie PLN it will be Tuesday morning at 9am, Perth time!) and take your blog to the next level!  Make your blog an epic win!
Participant Link
Session Wikipage
Just like a protected or locked Twitter page a blog that's dormant does not build a PLN or make a positive web presence! Let your blog go free!
Blog Guilt? Let it Go!
Here's a shot of my first blog archive- see? For the year 2006 I only blogged 8 times! In 2007 I did a little bit better with 22 times, but something happened in 2008 (Don't ask, I really don't even remember why!) I went back down to 12 posts! But as I've said before, whatever you do, NEVER EVER apologize about NOT blogging. If you're taking a haitus (like the Levelup Book Club Blog) just explain to your readers why you're taking a break and hope they come back!   It's not the number of posts - it's the passion and persistence and passsion of your message! 

I've also blogged about this topic before - see some practical tips & fun ideas, & no-nonsense advice.

Just Blog It! Blogging Tips & Ideas 

(Don't worry, they'll be more after the FREE webinar & everyone is invited!)

Sue Waters// | The Edublogger

The //Edublogger// | Tips, tricks, and help for educators and bloggers

You’ll find other Teacher Blogging Challenge series here:

Questions to ponder and for your commenting pleasure  

(I LOVE to hear from you!)

  • What are your best blogging tips?  

  • If you've started a blog but let it go, please share why - we can all learn from each other! 

  • What is your best blogging triumph or worst blogging failure?

  • Why do we blog at all?


