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I am a longtime Harry Potter fan and the recent news that JK Rowling thought maybe Harry and Hermione should have ended up together has me in a bit of a FANGIRL trailspin of

What the What!? Nooooooo!  

Here's the comment I plastered around almost everywhere I can (don't judge me!) LOL

No way would Hermione have made Harry happy or vice versa! She's way too prickly, stubborn, cranky, (as his he!) and they would have snipped at  each other until a divorce would be the only answer. Jenny is sweet enough (but not saccharine)  to put up with Harry PLUS she's magically strong enough to earn his respect.  AND by marrying her he's now part of the Weasley family - which he always wanted to be, and I think is perfect!

I have wondered who, if anyone, was Hermione's
intellectual equal - what other cool brainy boy was there at Hogwarts?

Hmm? Not Neville though he turned out to be awesomely brave! Someone who would earn her respect and not let her trample over him. I'm at a loss! And Viktor was nice, talented, strong, brave, but really not intellectual enough, IMHO.

I obviously am a HPFan and have thought of this WAY too much! LOL But then again, I AM a school librarian -[preens] so it's like my JOB to do it! [nod nod] yeah, that's right!
The Daring Librarian (.com!)

What do YOU think? I'd LOVE to hear your opinions & thoughts in the comments!
Harry Potter and the Tearful Farewell - 

a selfie of my happy/sad eyes red, puffy, & with all the makeup cried off after watching the last Harry Potter movie.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are far more than our abilities"
- Dumbledore pg. 333 Chamber of Secrets

Back in 1999 I joined the Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club started by interweb fan fiction pioneer "Jenna" (never found out her last name) and created a special bulletin board display with pages I printed (in colour!) from the website! Of course with art attributions!

In defense of JK Rowling for leaking these HP second thoughts or revelations. Why not? I go back and edit my blog ALL THE TIME! I fix and tweak my graphics designs twice as much! She's an author - she wrote it, she can re-write it, she can muse and re-consider and share! It does not dramatically change how I feel about the awesome source material, the books, or the HP world! The Twitter and fandom backlash about this is just plain silly!


Resources & Image credits: 

I'm not the only who has this opinion!  Read this essay with book notes from The Leaky Cauldron:  Why Harry Picked Ginny, Rather Than Hermione, As A Romantic Partner An Analysis of Sexual Attraction and Humour By Gowdie

Harry & Ginny graphics by akqzall from Fanpop

added by akqzall
added by akqzall 
The rest are all mine. 

