Samsung recently launched samsung galaxy s5 with most features . But it was single sim . Samsung today launched dual sim version of it . It is now available only in chinese markets . It is named G9009D and available in carrier china telecom with second sim supporting cdma2000 networks .
Samaung galaxy s5 duos is same as samsung galaxy s5 but has three difference . Samsung galaxy s5 duos is more havier than samsung galaxy s5 and also dual sim version is not available lte . The main difference is of dual sim :p . Hence all features are same . Samsung galaxy s5 duos has fingerprint scanner along with heart rate sensor and comes with android 4.4.2 kitkat . 5.1 inch super amoled display and 16 mp of rear camera . All the specs meet a fab smartphone requiremet . Its a overall pakage of all the things .
Samsung galaxy s5 and samsung galaxy s5 duos are both availble from 11 april . Galaxy s5 duos is rated at price 51000 /- Inr .
The dual sim of the samsung galaxy s5 will help the users who uses dual sim . Both the sims supports 3g but is lacks in 4g / lte network . Samsung is expanding its production by making dual varients of many smartphone . S5 / dual both will available in india with eight cores .

Samaung galaxy s5 duos is same as samsung galaxy s5 but has three difference . Samsung galaxy s5 duos is more havier than samsung galaxy s5 and also dual sim version is not available lte . The main difference is of dual sim :p . Hence all features are same . Samsung galaxy s5 duos has fingerprint scanner along with heart rate sensor and comes with android 4.4.2 kitkat . 5.1 inch super amoled display and 16 mp of rear camera . All the specs meet a fab smartphone requiremet . Its a overall pakage of all the things .
Samsung galaxy s5 and samsung galaxy s5 duos are both availble from 11 april . Galaxy s5 duos is rated at price 51000 /- Inr .
The dual sim of the samsung galaxy s5 will help the users who uses dual sim . Both the sims supports 3g but is lacks in 4g / lte network . Samsung is expanding its production by making dual varients of many smartphone . S5 / dual both will available in india with eight cores .

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