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Android "L" will be called Lemon Meringue Pie : Confirmed

As Google released Android " L " developer preview for Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 , It was difficult to Determine what's The Code name suggest After All . Google Has only announced Its Code name as Android "L" and even they have not given proper Easter egg . 

Also see - Nominated Devices That are Getting android 5.0 Update

Many of us were assuming That Android "L" will be named - Lollipop , Lemon pie , Ladoo  and more . But after the leaks of Android Police we have determined that The Android L will be finally called  Lemon Meringue Pie . 

The name has been determined from The SDK Thats suggest LMP will be next Android Name -

<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/colors.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<color name=”cardview_dark_background”>#FF202020</color>
<color name=”cardview_light_background”>#FFFAFAFA</color>
<color name=”cardview_shadow_end_color”>#03000000</color>
<color name=”cardview_shadow_start_color”>#37000000</color>
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/attrs.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<declare-styleable name=”CardView”>
<!– Background color for CardView. –>
<attr name=”cardBackgroundColor” format=”color” />
<!– Corner radius for CardView. –>
<attr name=”cardCornerRadius” format=”dimension” />
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/dimens.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<dimen name=”cardview_default_radius”>2dp</dimen>
<dimen name=”cardview_elevation”>2dp</dimen>
<dimen name=”cardview_shadow_size”>2dp</dimen>
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/styles.xml –>
<eat-comment />

Also the second source that determines that Android L will be named as  Lemon Meringue Pie is The wifi certification which came along with the Nexus 9 .

In this as we can see That The Firmware version shows -

Product:aosp_flounder-userdebug L LMP eng.buildteam.20140725.184742 test-key , Wi-Fi Component:7.26.5

Third clue we can get from The Android 4.4.2 Kitkat Easter egg -

In this we can see all android versions from Starting From Ending , But we got an Unseen Android Version Thats - Lemon Meringue Pie and its finally confirmed that the Android L name will be called Lemon Meringue Pie .


