Several powerful educational apps have gone free this week most notable of them all is the popular creativity app Puppet Workshop ( it's no loner free now). I have looked into some of these apps that are still free and pulled out the three titles below. I learned about these apps from Apps Gone Free. Again, these deals are valid at least here in Canada and the States, I am not sure about other places in the world.
1- Language lab
This exciting app will address all four language objectives to help early language learners as well as children with expressive language delays who use augmentative and alternative communication methods.
This app combines videos, sing-along songs, mini-games, puzzles, and e-books to create a fun environment where young children can learn while playing: colors, shapes, counting, the alphabet, animals, science, music and more!
3- Over
Over is the app for adding text and artwork to your photos. Designed with mobile creatives in mind, Over features standard and custom-made fonts and well-crafted artwork combined with a sleek design, easy-to-use functionality, and immediate sharing ability.
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