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Sync Solver: Sneaking Fitbit Data Into Apple Health Since 2014

If you're like me, you were about to add an UP by Jawbone onto your Christmas wish list and put a Fitbit on eBay. But wait! There's another way to get your Fitbit data into Apple Health and it only costs 99¢! It's called Sync Solver and I suggest you get it before Apple removes it from their App Store for some reason. In short, Sync Solver gathers all your data from your Fitbit account and pushes it to Apple Health. In addition, the logic it uses is as sound as it can get. It's kind of hard to explain, but because the app syncs at midnight, the steps (and other data) are gathers all at once, once a day. This is opposed to gathering data every time it is updated, which causes an undesirable user experience. Basically, it allows you to get a quick overview of your data in an easy to view way. This makes Sync Solver worth every cent. Sync Solver is available from the Apple App Store for $0.99 [Direct Link].

