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Demo The Apple Watch With This Unofficial Emulation Right In Your Web Browser

The Apple Watch may still be months away, with a rumored release date of around March 2015, but there is already a fan made interactive prototype demo available for you to try out!

Built by the company who make the news app, Pipes, the Pipes' interactive Apple Watch Demo lets you use an emulated Apple Watch, with 19 apps, right in your web browser. The demo mainly shows off a few animations like dragging the apps around on the home screen, tapping icons, seeing static images of where apps would work, ect... It's actually very limited. Of course this demo would mainly be made to advertise their Pipes news app.

This demo may not even behave exactly like the real Apple Watch and is probably modeled off whatever we've seen on the official Apple website and Apple Watch videos. So of course, expect the real Apple Watch to work a lot better, smoother, perhaps differently, full featured with working apps, ect... But, it's still a little taste of a kind of 'working' Apple Watch, to hold us over for a few more months.

Try out the Pipes' Apple Watch Demo now, before Apple gets them to pull it down!

