As an EdTech enthusiast, I am always looking for potent ways to leverage the power of digitality into my everyday learning. Writing is one of those areas where technology is definitely indispensable. Mistake me not! I am not talking here about using technology in the substitution level of SAMR model even though such a use is also a welcome) rather I am alluding to those techie tools that can take your writing genius to the next level. Those tools that have the power to transform your writing creativity and boost your thinking fluency.
To this end, I am sharing with you a bunch of some interesting web tools and apps that you can use for yourself or with your students to help them with their writing. I learned about these tools from Writer’s Circle which is an excellent website for writing enthusiasts.
Please bear in mind, there is no shortcut to developing a better writing style and technology here is but a facilitator, a means to an end. It all depends on how much dedicated and committed you are to the act of writing and as Stephen King said ”when you sit down to write, write. Don’t do anything else except go to the bathroom, and only do that if it absolutely can not be put off.”
1- OmmWriter
OmmWriter provides you with a unique distraction free environment where you can write in peace. OmmWriter has three main features: beautiful backgrounds to hold your attention and set your writing mood; audio tracks for people who like to think with music; and keystroke sounds to support your every move on the keyboard.
Creationist allows you to create multimedia stories using a wide variety of materials including: text, videos, audio, animation, maps, interactive elements and many more. Creationist also provides a plethora of published stories that others have shared and which you can use for inspirational writing ideas. There is also a community of writers and storytellers you can join and learn from them.
3- Scribophile
Scribophile is a respectful online writing group made up of writers who improve each other's work with thoughtful critiques and by sharing their writing experience. Scribophile is the writing group to join if you want to get the best feedback around, to learn how to get published, and to be a part of the friendliest and most successful writing workshop online.
4- Storymeter
Story meter is an iPad app that helps your creative writing by providing you with the tools to brainstorm, mind map and organize your notes and ideas. It also provide great writing tips to help you write better.Storymeter has this section with interesting video tutorials to help you learn about how you can use its feature in your writing.
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