Rubrics are teachers' Swissknives. They can be used for a variety of purposes to achieve different educational goals. For instance, you can use them to make your grading easier and quicker, assess students performances, evaluate teaching objectives, guide your lesson planning, and many more. There are actually several good web tools that make it easy for teachers to create and customize their own rubrics, some of our favourite tools in this regard are included in this post.We would also add ForAllRubrics, a good tool for creating rubrics we have recently discovered, This tool is free for teachers and is also integrated with Edmodo.
However, if you are too busy to create your won rubrics, you can draw on these excellent resources of pre-made rubrics and select the ones that work best for you.
I- Teachnology Rubrics Page
1- K-12 Everyday Rubric Pack
A pre-made rubric pack specifically designed for use with elementary, middle, and high school level students.
2- K-12 Math Rubric Collection
Data Analysis, Bar Graph, Basic Math Operations, Math Homework, Effort, Participation, Math Portfolios....
3- K-12 Project Rubric Collection
This set of rubrics will help you quickly and easily evaluate book reports, brochures, classroom displays, collages, concept drawings, educational cartoons, field trip activities, flip books.....
Rubrics to help assess all of the following: Reading Comprehension, Silent Reading, Daily Reading, Independent Reading, Book Report, Guided Reading, Reading Fluency, Reading Center....
5- K-12 Science Rubric Pack
This set of rubrics will help elementary, middle school, and high school teachers quickly and easily evaluate science demonstrations, science fair projects, science lab participation....
6- K-12 Social Studies Rubric Pack
This set of rubrics will help elementary, middle school, and high school teachers quickly and easily evaluate general and very focused social studies related projects. Includes document based questions rubric....
7- K-12 Writing Rubric Collection
A vast collection of rubrics that help grade K-12 teachers easily assess writing skills and student work.
II- TeacherPlanet
TeacherPlanet has this page packed full with numerous pre-made rubric templates. These rubrics cover a wide variety of subjects from social studies to writing.
Courtesy of Edudemic.
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