7 Learning Zones is a beautiful visual created by Edutopia featuring an interesting system teachers can use in their classrooms to organize and manage students learning experiences. This system is composed of 7 zones, each zone targets a specific area in the instructional process and suggests some examples of what it is designed for.
The 7 zones included in this visual are :
1-Discovery Zone:
This one is for providing a central focus, sharing examples. recording observations and using the data.
2- News Zone:
This is for displaying the learning targets, managing class-work and homework.
3-Supplies Zone:
This one is for sharing reference materials, creating hubs for students work, and providing a place for lost and found.
This is for assessing progress, clarifying and correcting misconceptions taking notes and planning ahead.
5- Quiet Zone:
This is a place for quiet zone for reflecting, reading and writing and studying
6- Teacher Zone: This is to help you define the professional space to work with learners and adult visitors.
7- Subject Zone:
This last zone is for providing examples and resources for connecting subjects.
Courtesy of eLearning Infographics
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