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How To Type Vulcan 'Live Long & Prosper' Emoji in iOS 8.3 & OS X 10.10.3

Star Trek fans can now send the Vulcan 'Live Long & Prosper' hand salute in iOS 8.3 and OS X 10.10.3! While the hand gesture didn't quite make the cut and wasn't included in the Emoji keyboard, there is support for the popular symbol in the software. 

To type the hidden Star Trek Vulcan emoji simply copy and paste the symbol from below: 

The Live Long and Prosper emoji comes in 6 different skin tone colors, including; white, tanned, brown, and Simpsons. 

To see the new hidden emoji, both the receiver and the sender need to have iOS 8.3 installed for iPhone and iPad, and OS X 10.10.3 for Macs.  And also on the web, best to use Safari to see the different skin tones. 

For easy future access to the Vulcan emoji, you can also add the symbol to your iOS keyboard shortcuts. Simply follow these steps:

1. Copy the Vulcan emoji you want to use from above.

2. Open the Settings app. 

3. General -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Plus button. 

4. Paste the emoji into the Phrase field. 

5. Enter the shortcut text, e.g.: LiveLong.  

6. Save. 

Now whenever you type the key word (for my example "LiveLong") the emoji will appear in the word suggestions field or will automatically replace the text with the Vulcan emoji. 

