Spice Stellar 509 (Mi-509) is most popular Smartphone of Spice company . It comes with Android 4.4.2 Kitkat out of the box . Since Spice hasn't updated to lollipop . But You can update it to Android 5.0 Lollipop , by Installing this Lollipop Rom .
Thanks to saurabh1234 for porting This Lollipop Rom for Spice Stellar 509 (Mi-509) . This Rom is exact copy of Android 5.0 Lollipop .
Screenshot of Lollipop Rom for Spice Stellar 509 (Mi-509) -
How to Install Lollipop on Spice Stellar 509 (Mi-509) -
Step 1. Download Android 5.0 Lollipop Rom from below .
Step 2. Place it in your Phone's Sdcard .
Step 3. Boot to recovery mode ( philz recovery or ctr recovery ) .
Step 4. Wipe data .
Step 5. Select Install zip from Sdcard and choose the Rom you downloaded following Step 1.
Step 6. Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache ( recommended ) .
Step 7. Reboot .
Downloads -
Android 5.0 Lollipop rom - Download Here
Enjoy Android 5.0 Lollipop on Spice Stellar 509 (Mi-509)
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