Summer vacation is coming and students will be spending it in different ways – from tinkering around the house and going swimming through brushing up on math and considering what degree they’ll take up in college. Whatever they do, we hope to inspire them to get excited about something new, and make use of their unstructured time to find their passion.
We’ve gathered resources on different topics so that you can share it with your students and help spark their interest in something new, from STEM through human stories. Among the many resources that our team gathered, here are the ones that we think will be more useful (and fun!):
1- NASA Kids Page
2- ScienceNews for Students
3- Math Calculators - organized by Subject, Topic and Difficulty
4- archKIDecture: Achitecture for children
5- Engineering the Future: The Educator's Guide to Building and Construction
6- Become an Engineer
7- Become a Doctor: Preparing for the MCAT
8- World Culture
9- The Encyclopedia of Earth - Geography
By Sara Bell from Educators Lab
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