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Notable Changes from iOS 9.0

Changes from iOS 9
With iOS 9 beta 3 now out, it brings with it a slew of new features and minor software improvements, including some very useful tricks. Apple Music support and the News app can be considered the iOS 9 beta 3’s main new features, but Apple has also tweaked many other things in iOS.

BGR News reported that three such changes concern photos and images, but also the way iOS handles Folders.

In iOS 9, the new Photos app includes two new default albums that many users will appreciate. One collects all the selfies or pictures taken with the front-facing camera, and it’s aptly called Selfies.

The second album (called Screenshots) collects all the screenshots captured on a device, a handy feature that’ll offer fast access to images of websites, apps or other iOS elements obtained using the screenshot feature (press the home and power buttons at the same time).

Finally, in iOS 9, Folders have finally been improved to show more apps per row on devices with larger displays, such as the iPad and iPad mini. Apple is currently using a 4 x 4 setup in iOS 9 beta 3 (that’s four rows of four apps each) instead of the previous 3 x 3 configuration. That also means iPad users can now store 105 more apps in each folder (240 total, instead of 235).

Apple blog MacRumors has a handy post detailing other minor iOS 9 beta 3 tidbits.
