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It’s that time again! August isn't looking so bad on the release calendar with some of the titles coming out this month. We have games of all sorts from fighting games to dungeon crawlers. Finally there's surprising amount of releases on the Nintendo Nintendo 3DS which has been quiet of late including the remake of Etrian Odyssey 2 in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight.

One of my two biggest anticipated titles for the rest of the year releases with Once Piece Pirate Warriors 3! Now I just need to wait a little bit longer for Dragon Quest Heroes.

Now here are the games of August!

Multiplatform Releases

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (2015-08-25)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Sony PlayStation 3 / Sony PlayStation Vita / PC

Starting this one off with a bang is One Piece Pirate Warriors 3!

Luffy and his crew are back, I'm caught up in the manga, and because the manga wasn't yet finished its arc, PW3 has a different ending of the unfolded events which I more than look forward to see!

Adr1ft  (TBA)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Sony PlayStation 3 / Sony PlayStation Vita / Microsoft Xbox 360 / Microsoft Xbox One 

"ADR1FT is an immersive First Person Experience (FPX) that tells the story of an astronaut in peril.  Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the catastrophic event that took the lives of everyone on board.  The player fights to stay alive by exploring the wreckage for precious resources, and overcomes the challenges of an unforgiving environment to repair the damaged emergency escape vehicle and safely return home."

Madden NFL 16 (2015-08-25)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Sony PlayStation 3 / Microsoft Xbox One / Microsoft Xbox 360

I think its safe to say that Nick is going to be disappearing for a bit as he plays the newest entry into the Madden series. Have fun Nick! we'll see you when you come back to us!

Dishonored Definitive Edition (2015-08-25)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Microsoft Xbox One

I am sad to say that as long as I've been wanting to try this out I have yet to pick up Dishonored. I guess this would be a great time as it's re-releasing in a higher quality and it'll get me ready for the second!

Disney INFINITY: Starter Pack 3.0 Edition (2015-08-30)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Sony PlayStation 3 / Microsoft Xbox One / Microsoft Xbox 360 / Nintendo WiiU

I don't think Disney INFINITY needs any introductions at this point in time having surpassed the idea of the original concept of Skylanders. Will it be able to hold up against the incoming tide of Lego Dimensions next month? Putting these questions aside in the meantime, here's the third entry which brings in the awesome world of Star Wars!

XBlaze Lost: Memories(2015-08-11)

Sony PlayStation 3 / Sony PlayStation Vita

Xbalze Lost: Memories is the sequel to the previously release and reviewed Xblaze Code: Embryo that Nick seemed to rather enjoy. Find out what happens next later this month!

Motal Kombat X (2015-08-31)

Sony PlayStation 3 / Microsoft Xbox 360 versions

Pulling a Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, that I absolutely love for the record, Mortal Kombat X is an example of game releases at the actual near end of a system generation once the next one in properly in place. Having already been out for a quite a while now, fans of the series can finally pick it up for either the PS3 or the 360.

Toy Soldiers: War Chest Hall of Fame Edition (2015-08-11)

Sony PlayStation 4 / Microsoft Xbox One

I... uh... watch the trailer because I am at a lack of words for how simply epic this next one looks.

Microsoft Xbox One

Rare Replay (2015-08-04)

Old school Rare games were among my favorites. Battletoads, Donkey Kong Country, Perfect Dark. They made epic Nintendo Platformed Games. While we may not have seen much of them since Microsoft bought them out, enter Rare Replay which contains thirty different old school games that we all knew and loved (or loved to hate). The only thing not here is Donkey Kong which belongs to Nintendo. But Battletoads... that is enough for me to jump on this one!

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (2015-08-25)

Gears of War is back! Given the re-mastered treatment for the Xbox One, this first chapter has leveled up to the modern day tech from its original release of what seems to be a long time ago when a friend slapped the controller into my hand and said "don't die". Since then I can't think of the hours that a few of us have spent in Horde Mode within Gears of War 3. I'm looking forward to the upgraded first chapter, but I wish it had come with the other two!

Nintendo Nintendo 3DS

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight (2015-08-04)

The newest remake of an Etrian Odyssey is here! I'm a huge fan of the series and I'm wondering what else has been implemented within the newest version of the second entry. I know that there are a few features from Persona Q that will once again make an appearance, but there is always something more than Atlus manages to add. One way or the other, any Etrian Odyssey is good Etrian Odyssey!

Garfield Kart (2015-08-11)

Not being one overly alert in regards to Mobile Gaming, this is not something that I thought would ever be a thing. Then again, we did get the wonderful distraction of Diddy Kong Racing way back when! Making its way from the iOS and Android, Garfield and Friends are making their way to the Nintendo 3DS to tear up the tracks.

Note: this is the iOS, Android, and PC trailer

Paddington: Adventures in London (2015-08-11)

Being a bit outside of my normal realm of things, I know OF Paddington Bear but that's about where it ends. Oh! I think he likes Marmalade?
Here's a bit to describe the game!
Follow Paddington Bear on his adventure through London to become a true English gentleman. Play as Paddington as he searches for the explorer Montgomery Clyde with the help of the Brown family, just like in the film! On Paddington’s adventure, he will come across Londoners that will need his help, and challenging puzzles that need solving. Can you help Paddington in this exciting adventure?

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience (2015-08-21)

This honestly sounds like a freaking awesome time. Robots? Check. Customizations? Double Check. Special Attacks and a fast paced combat that includes multiplayer? Check out the trailer!


Celestian Tales: Old North (2015-08-11)

Celestian Tales is a classic RPG that looks like it's going to do everything right. Story, Music, Dialog, I've been looking forward to this since its Kickstarter!

Sony PlayStation 4

HellDivers - Super-Earth Ultimate Edition (2015-08-18) - Physical Release

Getting a physical release from its digital only debut, Helldivers is an interesting twin-stick shooter than revolves around shooting everything else that moves while performing objectives and bringing "democracy" to the galaxy at large. Just remember to shoot your partners as it increases the global "Friendly Fire" meter which they brilliantly called "Accidental Discharges". For anyone that hasn't gotten their hands dirty with this yet, now's a good time to get into it with the expansion!

Until Dawn (2015-08-25)

Personally here's a game that I'm never going to touch. I REALLY don't do horror. Until Dawn honestly looks like a true Horror Film done right so for fans of the thrill and the chills, this one is for you!

Sony PlayStation Vita

Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal (2015-08-18)

Dungeon Travelers 2 is the next up for fans of the Dungeon Crawling JRPG fun in the likes of Demon Gaze and Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy. Just makes sure of where you're playing as there are things in the Rated M category!

Article by Pierre-Yves
