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Best Social Media tools to Skyrocket your Business

This article is contributed by Veer, founder of and social media enthusiast. H recently wrote about kik login online on your computer. You may find it interesting.

Social media plays a very important role these days. Your business should have some exposure on social media as it will help you generating more revenue and leads as compared to before. 

If you are not on social media or want to create deep influence of your business you can take help of some tools.

There are several tools which can help you to sky rocket your business, no matter what kind of business you own. You can use these tools to get the best out of your blog, business website or your e-commerce website.

Have a look at the best social media tools to skyrocket your business:

#1. Google Analytics

This first tool which makes to our list is Google Analytics. If you are already using Google Analytics on your blog you are already one step ahead, however if you are not using this tool you can install it and track the amount of visitors coming to your blog.

The tool has an advanced social media report tracker which you can use to track the visitors which you are getting on your social media profiles.

Once you know the pages which are leading to visitors you can add more similar content and optimize your website and social media accounts of the website according to it.

#2. Bitly is a URL shortener which you should use if you want to get the best results from the social media profiles. You can convert the long URL’s in short ones by using can be used on Twitter as there is a limit of 140 characters on Twitter. If you are updating a status and want to share a URL along with it, very less characters would be available for the message.

Using shortener you can convert the long URL into a short one and use it in the message you want to share on Twitter. You can use on other social media accounts too.

#3. Buffer

The next tool which you can use to skyrocket your business is Buffer. Using Buffer you can easily post anything you want to post on all social media websites.

There are many tools which you can use for posting the content on different social media websites but Buffer comes with many advanced features.

One of the best features of Buffer is scheduling of the posts. You can schedule the time at which you want to post the articles and they will be posted on the social media accounts.

This removes the hassle of waiting for the correct time to come so that you can publish the post on social media accounts. The tool works with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

#4. Do Share

The last tool which you can use is DoShare. One of the disadvantages of Buffer is that this tool doesn’t allow you to share the content on Google +, however you can use Do Share at this point as this tool will help you to share all the content you want to on Google Plus.
Most of the social media management tools don’t have the option to share content on Google Plus. It would be stupidity not to get exposure from Google Plus as it is one of the biggest social media networks.

Using Do share you can share whatever you want to share on Google Plus and other social media websites. You will be able to share content both on Google Plus pages and profile using Do Share. 

These are the 4 best social media tools which you can use to skyrocket your business. I am sure you’ll find these tools helpful.
