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Lollipop Android system now resides on 21% of Android devices

It found that 21% of Android devices are running for Android Lollipop during the month of September, and this is what is growing by 2.9% compared with last month, and by 8.6% compared with June.

If these numbers indicate anything, it shows that rely on Android system Lollipop rate is very slow compared to 8 iOS system, which now resides on 87% of all iOS devices. However, the system of Android Lollipop still continues to grow, and showed a smooth growth in the past few months.

On the other hand the share of Android 4.4 KitKat have decreased by 0.1%, while Android Jelly Bean system's share have decreased from 33.6% to 31.8%. The quota system Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich also decreased by 0.4%. The transitions are not large, but they show continued growth of the share of Android Lollipop in the market.

