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One Consistent iPhone Feature

iPhone Launcher
The Apple iPhone has already dominated many lives since it was first launch eight years ago. It was a transformative gadget and affected many lives since then.

As ZDNet recently showed, much has changed in iPhones, from an explosion in speed, vastly more pixels on the screen, and a whole lot more storage. Even the natively-coded apps didn't exist widely on the first iPhone.

And yet, through all that time and all that change, there's one feature - and it's a major one - that is nearly identical today to what it was back in June of 2007: the iPhone launcher.

Take a look at the image above. The original iPhone is on the left and an iPhone 6s is displayed on the right. Sure there's a lot more space for icons. but the iPhone 6s launcher is as unquestionably recognizable as the original.

According to David Gewirtz of ZDNet, Android is not like that. First, nearly every manufacturer creates its own launcher. That's why Samsung users are stuck with TouchWiz while Nexus users have the pure Google launcher experience.

Many Android users have replaced the original launchers entirely, along with creating a new look and feel. This is my home screen. I custom designed it with a calendar widget in the center, an array of small white icons that I use constantly around the edge. The eight colorful circular icons are actually folders, and I can even see network strength very easily on my screen.

While the richness of launcher apps for iOS doesn't really compete with that on Android, there are quite a few replacement launchers available. Sadly, the Home on iOS button can't be customized, but there are enough ways to work around that limitation that iOS launcher apps are still worthwhile.
