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Facebook forced certain employees to use Android phones

Employees of Facebook like the iPhone. And it is (just) a problem.

during a talk with reporters, the chief product officer of Facebook, Chris Cox, has revealed that he has already forced a number of members of his team to replace their iPhone with Android devices. Obviously, in Silicon Valley, people prefer Apple products. Chris Cox himself has said that if given the choice to people, they prefer the iPhone.

Facebook does not have a grudge against Apple (although Mark Zuckerberg has already tackled Tim Cook). But today, Facebook no less than a billion and a half users. And many people use the Android system, not iOS, particularly in emerging markets. The idea is that Facebook employees can more easily identify bugs in Android app, but "the same experience as that of most users."

The conference helped to Facebook to raise its commitment to be even more present in emerging markets. Moreover, the number of social networks has already launched a "Lite" version of its Android application on which the information load faster and is less data intensive. There are also (or Free Basics), the application allows users to some operators in the countries concerned have free access to Facebook and some essential services. Mark Zuckerberg speaks of it as a 911 web.

