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How to add iOS 9.1 Emojis to jailbroken devices

The headline feature of iOS 9.1 was without a doubt the 150 new emoji characters available to emoji keyboard users. These new characters are all the rage, and rightfully so, as they bring a whole new range of emotions to the table.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you can enable the emoji keyboard and send new emojis to devices capable of displaying them. The bad news is that the tweak is still a work in progress, and as such, the new emoji don’t display properly in all apps.

Some apps will work fine, such as Mail, but other apps, like Messages, won’t properly display the new emoji. Developer PoomSmart says that he is working on a fix for the issue, so eventually, we may have a 100% fully working iOS 9 emoji package for iOS 9.1.

Add PoomSmart’s repo to your Cydia Sources
Step 1: Open Cydia

Step 2: Tap Sources

Step 3: Tap Edit

Step 4: Tap Add

Step 5: Paste the following source:

Step 6: Tap Add Source
Once the source is added, install the Emoji83 package (not the BETA).

Install the emoji file
Step 1: Open Cydia

Step 2: Tap Search

Step 3: Type Emoji iOS and tap on the Emoji iOS 9 Backup (D) search result

Step 4: Tap Install

Step 5: Tap Confirm and be patient, because the emoji font file is fairly large

Step 6: Once the download and installation is completed, tap Return to Cydia

Step 7: Press the Home button to go to the Home screen and open BytaFont 2

Step 8: Tap Emoji

Step 9: Tap Emoji_iOS 9.1

Step 10: Tap Yes to respring.

Once you respring, open the emoji keyboard, and you should see all of the new iOS 9.1 emojis. As mentioned, while you can see the emojis and type them, they don’t always properly display on screen. Sometimes you will see a little [?] box instead.
