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Mitomo: the first mobile game from Nintendo

Miitomo, the first mobile game remind you may Tomodachi Life.

For those hoping that the first mobile game from Nintendo will be a version of  Mario for smartphone , it is a disappointment. Indeed, the new CEO of the company has announced it (which is part of the partnership between Nintendo and DeNA editor) and it is a free-to-play called Miitomo. The title will allow players to create avatars that will interact with those of their friends. (Click thumbnails to enlarge)



Moreover, while Mitomo had to get out before the end of the year, Nintendo has decided to delay until March 2016. Tatsumi Kimishima, the successor of Satoru Iwata, Nintendo need to delay the game's release in order to better to promote it.

Other games will adopt the model of paid download

Nintendo has long hesitated to make video games for smartphones, preferring to reserve his characters and his "intellectual property" to its own media. But by force of circumstance, this year it announced its partnership with DeNA to launch at least 5 games for mobile by 2017.

Otherwise, Miitomo which will be free, but with in-app purchases, other mobile games Nintendo will adopt the model of paid download. And for now, Nintendo has not talked about the characters involved in other games (there are still a small hope for Mario?).

