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Nintendo will finally launch games for smartphones

Nintendo is in the last entry point into the world of smartphones, as incredible as it may seem, there is no video game on Nintendo smartphone.

Where was Nintendo in recent years? One thing is certain surely not on the smartphone market, due to internal company policy, which has always fiercely denied this sector.

Nintendo: 5 games on smartphones by the month of March 2017

The Japanese giant has decided to change its policy by making a 180 degree turn since the death of the CEO of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata on July 13. After years of denial, Nintendo said "We can not deny the huge installed base of smartphones" through Scott Moffitt, one of Nintendo of America's leaders.

Late years that Nintendo could seek to catch up. The company should indeed launch five games by March 2017. Serkan Toto Japanese industry analyst said: "Expect the unexpected, and soon." The very first Nintendo game is eagerly awaited by all fans of the brand and by players worldwide. He will have to wait a bit to find out the release date and above the title of the game.

This Nintendo game ad in the mobile universe is so improbable after years of denial, that Nintendo release on its next console NX, stating: "Normally, we would not release the next console on which we work but we wanted to let people know that we remain faithful to the dedicated game consoles. " The company added: "We believe that this will add to our offer on console." It only remains to wait long, patient!

