Following the publication of ‘TED Talks on The Workings of Human Body’ we received a request to features apps for human anatomy. We went ahead and curated this collection comprising some of the most popular apps in this category. The apps will particularly help students explore the human body through 3D graphics and interactive content. The list also includes some of the best anatomy reference apps out there.
1- Visual Anatomy Lite
‘Visual Anatomy Lite is an interactive reference, and education tool. The Lite version contains 130 high-resolution images and more than 350 feature points which can be interactively selected. Each feature has its own label and short description. Add-on Images from 6 chapters of Gray's anatomy can be used as a quick reference. 6 chapters are bones, muscles and circulation system. In additional, a quiz with 23 multi-choice questions also is included.’
2- Explore the Heart in 3D
‘Heart 3D is a learning activity which provides an immersive learning experience. You can learn about the structure and functions of human heart along with various factors affecting the normal functioning of the heart. With supporting text information and audio, along with “rotation” and “pinch to zoom” interactivities on the heart, it makes it much easier to visualize the human heart and understand its functioning.’
3- Anatomy Quiz Pro
‘Learn anatomy easily with this unique quiz app that features traditional multiple-choice quizzes on 416 structures, or our new quiz style where you match a name to one of four images. You can make your own quizzes, or have the app quiz you only on what you have missed. Includes over 416 anatomical structures in beautiful 3d renderings. The topics include 167 bones and landmarks, 138 muscles, and 111 organ images. Turn on the timer option for an extra challenge!’
4- Human Anatomy Atlas – 3D Anatomical Model of the Human Body
‘Need a human body 3D reference for your healthcare practice or to help you in your anatomy course? Human Anatomy Atlas is the worldwide gold standard in anatomy reference apps. More colleges and universities teach with Human Anatomy Atlas than any other 3D atlas.’
5- Learn Muscles : Anatomy Quiz & Reference
‘A great reference, testing and education tool. Includes 141 beautiful muscle images with name, action, origin, insertion and comments, plus audio pronounciation guide, a quiz maker, an action viewer, 7 3d models, and 6 short videos to create a rich learning experience. ’
6- 3D Brain
‘Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around 29 interactive structures. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.’
7- Essential Anatomy 5
‘Essential Anatomy 5 is a full-featured anatomical reference app that includes MALE and FEMALE models, with 11 SYSTEMS and a total of 8,200 ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES. The app is fully 3D, meaning that you can view any structure in isolation, as well as from any angle and represents the latest in groundbreaking 3D technology and innovative design.’
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