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Dear readers,

It is with great pride that i'm happy to announce the start of the European Alternative Fuels Observatory project, as part of the team that is helping to set up this website, i am inviting you to visit the "Under Construction" website and register for the upcoming newsletter, which will have my contribution in it.

Below you will find the official Press Release:

Jose Pontes

ps - This project won't affect EV Sales, this blog will continue in the next years, documenting the shift from the current ICE Age to the upcoming EV Era.

AVERE will lead the EAFO on behalf of the European Commission

AVERE has won the tender of the European Commission to build and manage the European Alternative Fuels Observatory. AVERE is the project's coordinator and main partner and the consortium members are: POLIS - a leading association of cities -, the VUB and the consultancy TNO as research and analysis partners and Tobania as IT provider.

With the European Alternative Fuels Observatory, the European Commission intends to provide one central point of reference for data, information and news about alternative fuels in Europe, The short-term focus is on battery electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles while natural gas and other alternative fuels will also be covered in a second stage. The Observatory will help support the market development of alternative fuels in the EU and be a key tool for the implementation of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of recharging and refueling stations.

The Observatory will integrate all relevant statistical data concerning vehicles and infrastructure, relevant legislation, support and incentives programmes, periodical analyses and general information like news and publications. It will also feature a comprehensive event calendar.
The web portal will go live latest in February 2016 and will be updated on a monthly basis. Users can already register at in order to receive newsletters and be informed when the portal goes live.
