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Fallout CHAT: Neue App Sehen bringt "Fallout 4" -Emojis

With the new app Fallout C.H.A.T. get a total of 65 new Emojis and several GIFs around "Fallout 4" on iPhones and Android smartphones. These can be sent via WhatsApp, for example, or Facebook Messenger.

"Fallout 4" is coming. On November 10, the latest offshoot of the "Fallout" series for PS4, Xbox One and PC appear. To continue to fuel the hype, the developer Bethesda has released a new chat app for Android and iOS, thanks to the "Fallout" fans can send messages with new Valtboy-Emojis via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Co.. The small program goes by the aptly named Fallout CHAT and was presented via Twitter.

65 new Emojis and numerous GIFs for "Fallout" fans
The function of Fallout C.H.A.T. is easily explained: The program is structured just like most other chat programs. So there is a keyboard that is of course kept in "Fallout" style and brings the next letters and punctuation also a range of new Emojis and GIFs with them. Of course, everything revolves around this "fallout". To view the 65 Emojis either known from all games in the series Vaultboy or other known characters such as the household robot Mr. Handy, Grognak the barbarians or super mutants.

The Emoji keyboard is not integrated directly in WhatsApp. Instead, create users with Fallout C.H.A.T. own stickers with the help of text, emoji, and GIFs and can then send out with any messenger service. This is Fallout C.H.A.T. Although not a substitute for traditional news apps, but is expected to soon many a conversation enrich funny pictures from the "Fallout" universe. After the smartphone game "Fallout Shelter" Fallout is CHAT way, already the second app's "Fallout".
