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Google now penalizes the use of certain interstitial

An update of the Google algo attacks the interstitial sites that use to promote their applications.

Now that Google users are more research on smartphones and PC, the Mountain View company has to optimize the experience for mobile users of its search engine. And if it has already taken steps to alleviate the pages of search results when the mobile user uses a slow connection, it must also do its best to make the pages of links that are available in these results are optimized for mobile format.

This year, Google has updated the algorithm of its mobile search engine so that it promotes ("significantly" in his words) sites that pass the test of compatibility with mobile. And a few weeks ago, Google announced another update for its algo which, this time, attacks the interstitial banners. It took effect today.

So now, the web pages that display interstitial banners that make the promotion of mobile site, which hide a significant part of the contents that appear in the transition between the search engine and the page in question, will be considered more mobile-friendly.

And as I mentioned earlier, sites that do not meet this standard are penalized by Google Search on mobile.

To replace the interstitial that hide the whole page, the Mountain View company instead recommends webmasters to use more discrete formats as small banners.

But of course, this decision does not please. When Google announced the update in September, for example Yelp had claimed that Google wants above all "to deter people install applications".


