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Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- coming to PlayStation this spring

As a big fan of this series, I am happy to hear that it is going to be giving us another release early next year.

Here's the presser:

Aksys Games and Arc System Works proudly present Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system releasing Spring 2016! Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- rips along at a blistering 60 frames per second and features cross platform PS4™ system/PS3™ system compatible battles. Choose from over 20+ insane fighters as you battle for glory in the post apocalypse. New fighters, modes and polished mechanics provide infinite ways to annihilate your rivals!

Key Features

Combo Carnage at the Push of a Button

Stylish Type levels the playing field allowing noobs and pros alike to unleash devastating combos with the push of a button!

Anarchy in Animation
2D style animation coupled with next gen cell shading techniques obliterate the boundaries between gameplay and anime!

Fighting Evolved
Intense brawls, polished graphics and massive amounts of content ensure the fight is never over!

Article by Nick
