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first talked about Loot Crate about a year and a half ago. However, I never actually subscribed. I've finally succumbed to the hype train of the idea of monthly geek gear and I'm pretty hyped for this month's crate. I mean, I already gave into amiibos, so this is the equivalent of having a bed of spikes break your fall.

Getting back on topic, why am I telling you this? This month's Loot Crate is Fallout 4 themed, and let's be honest, Bethesda (creator of the Fallout series) totally rocked E3 2015. Needless to say, I am excited for it. I assume if I do any form of an "unboxing" it would be in the form of a blog post and not a video. And if it's something people like (because everyone just loves Loot Crate unboxing videos), maybe I'll continue it. We'll see.

By the way, if you want to help support the blog, you can get your own Loot Crate and save $3 by using my link. If geek stuff isn't your thing, Loot Crates make a great stocking stuffer! Speaking of stocking stuffer, I gotta go update the Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks. Happy holidays!
