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We have been nominated for Best VideoGame Blog in Bytes that Rock! awards

Well this is cool - we have been nominated for the category of Best VideoGame Blog over at Bytes that Rock!, as part of their Software Awards 2015. First of all? We really appreciate the nomination! Here is what they had to say about us:

The articles are funny and enjoyable and written with intelligence in a captivating style, you can see at Chalgyr they really have assembled a great team of writers. The layout of the blog is very nice and very easy to navigate with handy quick links at the top to go directly to the main sections of the blog and also a search function so you can look for anything in that you may be searching particularly for articles or reviews on. The blog has a great design and feel and a whole lot of content on video games past, present and future, a really nicely designed and well written blog.

And also:

Chalgyr is a really great blog with a huge amount of interesting and informative content, it has reviews, previews, video game news and an especially enjoyable feature called other articles which are still all related to video games but taking a more fun and humorous look such as an article about the 4o worst video game covers of all time.

As you can see, they had very nice things to say about us. So how does this work?

Well, first off - you can vote for us here ( All you need do is leave a name and an email address. What's in it for you? Well, aside from helping to support that you enjoy coming to visit, Bytes that Rock!, they are also having a voting raffle you might be interested in. Because everyone likes free stuff (which is why we have as many give aways here as we do).

Want to learn a bit more about the process? Keep on reading!

User voting accounts for 30% of the final decision, with the remaining 70% voted on by the Jury overseeing the awards. Vote early, because the results will be tallied on Dec 10th.

This particular contest has been showing up on a variety of sites, from Street Insider to PR Newswire to Gaming Conviction and more. We appreciate the nomination, but if you wanted to take a few minutes and vote for us too? That would be great - we would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Article by Nick
