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CEO of LG in Poland announced that the updated LG G3 phones in Poland of the system Android 6.0 has already begun, and in his tweet through the official page on Twitter. This announcement, the company seems to follow the same method used by updating telephone LG G4, which has updated to Android 6.0 system in Poland, before the release of the update for the rest of phones around the world.

For some reason is not clear, the Executive Director delete Tweet.
Even with the delete of the tweet, this announcement represents a confirmation of a tradition of  LG company with respect updates to its phones, where the former of company sends update to its phones in Poland as a pilot, and after getting rid of potential technical problems is sent the update to the phones in all over the world.

The arrival of the update to the phone LG G3 in Poland means that the arrival of the update to the rest of the  around the world will be very soon, it may be during the week or the next two weeks.

