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Google tests account login without a password

It's easier. But will we trust?

In addition to being forced to use passwords to connect us to our Gmail accounts, Facebook or Amazon, we must also ensure that they are sufficiently complicated (from the point of view of a machine) to they are not easy to crack. However, the digital giant now working on ways to reduce the number of passwords entry we need to do each day. Thus, Apple, Samsung and Google offer fingerprint scanners to identify themselves on their smartphones. Microsoft, meanwhile, has developed an authentication system using facial recognition to unlock a computer running Windows 10. And while these systems do not completely replace the traditional password (or PIN) , they allow combining ergonomics and safety (more or less).

Furthermore, Google is now working on a new system that will allow the user to log in to a Google account on a computer without entering the password through a smartphone that is already connected to the account.

Currently, the feature is tested on the Google accounts of a group of users. As part of this group, a member of the Reddit community site shared these screenshots.When everything has been configured, the user only has to enter their email address when connecting to the Google account.

Instead of asking for a password, Google will ask the user to see its notifications.

On the smartphone, users simply accept and answer a security question.

That sounds pretty interesting. However, as I explained above, this feature is still in private beta. But the information has already been confirmed since spokesperson told TechCrunch our colleagues that the Mountain View company has invited a small group of users to test "a new way to connect to their Google accounts without password ".

