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Sony released news app for PlayStation owners

Sony also now has its own messenger app. The Japanese electronics company has released a chat program, with which one in its PlayStation Network Friends List chatting with the contacts and can exchange information.

The new Messenger app "PlayStation Messages" from Sony's currently in versions for Android and iOS. However, you need the complete PlayStation app to really retrieve his PSN account online can - including the friends list. But you can as well as the Facebook Messenger between the Apps jump back and forth with Tabbed Browsing and use of the respective functions. Therefore, the new Messenger app only together with the actual PlayStation App usefully employed.

PlayStation Messenger: all messages functions inside
All functions that have something to do with messages that can be found in the new program. One can for example see at a glance who is online and already looking forward to the home to exciting games, if the PlayStation still not running. It is also possible to send voice messages or images - even in groups of up to 100 players.

In addition, Sony has released an update for the actual PlayStation App. This now has a new icon, but is still not optimized for iPhone 6s. Whether Sony can enforce with its Messenger app will show in the coming months. Those that use the Sony already Cruises likely, can start with the new Messenger something to send messages to their PlayStation buddy. All the others are probably best-supplied with WhatsApp and other chat programs.
