IPhone 6S and 6S Plus is a new feature in the method of dealing with the device is the 3D Touch and it recognize the power of user pressure on the screen to perform different commands.
And it can take advantage of this feature is mainly in how to deal with applications and the system in general, but can also be used to measure the weight of some of the small things, which gives weight to some extent close to reality.
In order to weigh anything can open the Safari browser and go to pltarun.github.io/scale and put flash memory on the screen, for example, to show the weight immediately.
You can also take advantage of the game Spider Square that mimic the famous game Flappy Bird, after the running game can be pressed Training button and then put the widget on the screen to show the weight, but the user needs to be divisible by 1000 and then multiplying by 385 to get the approximate weight.
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