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WhatsApp study: Emojis yes, points better not

Every day millions of messages with WhatsApp and other messenger apps are sent. A US study has now examined the impact punctuation and Emojis may have on the effect of a message.

For messages in Messenger apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger Twitter or the general rules of spelling are often overridden. As a study of Binghamton University in upstate New York has now been found, which is actually not so bad. The reason: text messages with their high speed would be based more on personal communication than on written communication - but no social stimuli such as facial expression or tone of voice.

A WhatsApp message without Smiley looks very sober
So were short messages that end with a period as a punctuation mark, a majority understood by the respondents in the study 126 people as rather unfriendly and less seriously meant. In handwritten notes, this effect did not occur, however. The researchers therefore conclude that WhatsApp messages that end with a period as a punctuation mark, both the sender and automatically understood as pragmatic messages also by the recipient.

If one however wants to go emotionally in WhatsApp messages on his opposite number, you can not avoid the use of Emojis and smileys. "A message without a nice illustration with Emojis without a smiley, without a gimmick with the letters - it looks sober," explains the linguist Christa Dürscheid towards the website Watson. "And that brings the recipient of the message maybe to wonder if the others want to express something so that he omitted this very means of expression," said Dürscheid further.
