There are no “butts” about it, the age of the booty is upon us and not just regular sized booty’s, but oversized, large and round booty’s. Whether or not the trend was started by megastars like JLo, Beyoncé or reality TV stars such as Kim Kardashian, the fact remains that women are paying big bucks to reshape their backsides and get the infamous curves that seem to be taking society by storm. So if you’re not quite ready to drop thousands of dollars for butt implants or a fat transfer, besides a good lower body exercise routine (Check out the Kim K. Booty Workout here), try these 15 muscle building foods, that will help grow those glute muscles and get you on your way to a bigger better booty.
One of the staples on your journey to a fuller and rounder derriere will definitely be different types of fish such as tilapia, salmon and tuna. By eating fish, you can reap the benefits of the fish oil. Fish oil contains EPA & DHA with are two forms of health fatty acids known as Omega 3. Considering that in order to enhance the size of your butt, you would need to increase your overall calorie intake and fat, Omega 3’s are a healthy fat that can help you add necessary calories to your diet, but also can benefits your heart health, skin and hair.
Eggs are another one of the staple foods that can be an essential part of your diet. The key is healthy weight gain in the right areas, and in order to make that happen, you need to increase your overall calorie intake, but you need to make sure that calorie intake includes good amounts of protein. Eggs are a quick and tasty form of protein you can eat for breakfast, or right before a workout.
Whether you’re firing up the grill or opting for a fine dining restaurant, make sure to add the occasional steak to your meal plan. Steak is a powerhouse for protein and therefore a booty building superfood. On average, if you opt for a 4oz steak for dinner, you can be gaining anywhere from 29-36 grams of protein. Along with a good workout plan, the protein will help fuel your booty muscles and help them to grow.
Chicken is a classic bodybuilding favorite and is a great staple in a diet to build a bigger booty. Remember, increasing your protein intake is key to increasing the size of your glutes. Muscles need protein to grow and a 4 oz piece of chicken breast can add up to 30 grams of protein for another great protein packed meal. Grill it, shred it, or bake it—whatever style you wish to cook it, make sure to add chicken breast to keep those booty muscles growin’!
If you haven’t added avocados to your booty building nutrition plan, than you had better start. Avocados are an excellent and healthy way to once again increase your calorie intake to gain mass in your glutes, but is also a healthy fat with many added benefits. While not an amazing source of protein due to the fact that it only contains 4 grams, avocados can help you gain healthy mass through monounsaturated fat which is considered to be a “good fat” because it reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and can also help to lower your risk of stroke and heart disease.
Oils such as grapeseed oil and extra virgin olive oil are also another great source of healthy fats to help you gain muscle mass in your lower body. If you’re afraid of the word fat, don’t be. These are healthy fats and for those who need to gain weight in order to increase their booty shape, adding healthy fats to your diet will be essentially to achieving your goals. For those in need of losing weight in other areas but want their booty to grow, no worries. With the proper nutrition and exercise plan, healthy fats can actually help you with weight loss as well.
Yet again, here is another great source for healthy fats to help reshape your body. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and peanuts contain some powerful nutritional. Besides being a healthy, booty building powerhouse food, nuts greatly benefit your overall health. Almonds, for example contain essential fats and protein and help with heart disease by lowering cholesterol. Nuts can help with healthy weight gain for those who need it, but can also aid in weight loss by being a healthier, more beneficial choice of food for snackers.
If you’re looking for the ultimate source of muscle building protein, look no further than this food from the gods, or at least the Incas, known as Quinoa. Quinoa is an amazing choice to add to your booty building nutrition plan because it is a complete protein within itself. Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids and therefore kicks butt, pun intended, when it comes to growing those muscles for a stronger, larger derriere.
Brown Rice
Brown rice is already considered a staple food for many fitness fanatics and with good reason. Brown rice is quick and easy to make and can be added as a side or base to many delicious dishes and stir fries. Brown rice is great option to add to your booty building meal plan as it is an excellent source of fiber and complex carbs, and can help fuel your body with glucose, sustaining your muscles during your booty building workout. (Check out the Kim K. Booty Workout here)
While broccoli may not be directly related to your booty building, protein needs, it still contains many crucial health benefits that aid in designing and shaping the body you want. Broccoli contains solid doses of potassium, Vitamin A, C and B6, and besides potentially preventing a myriad of diseases including multiple forms of cancer, broccoli works as a great fuel for your muscles pre or post workout. The fiber content helps you fill up fast and feel full longer, without hardly any sodium or fat.
Ever hear of Popeye the Sailor Man? Well in case you don’t know, he was a famous cartoon character known for downing a can of spinach in a time of need, and suddenly gaining superhuman strength and ginormous biceps. While we could only wish it was that easy when it comes to muscle building, spinach an extremely healthy and versatile superfood, that when taken before a workout may help your muscles to work more efficiently. Plus it is a great source of iron for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike who may want to avoid the high intake of meat as their choice of booty building proteins.
Oatmeal is a great meal of choice to consume prior to a gym workout and can also be used as a muscle building, breakfast staple. Oatmeal contains micro-nutrients that your body can use to support muscle function, and it is also a great source of carbohydrates and protein your body can use to support its muscle building efforts. In the mornings, add eggs and some turkey bacon for a perfectly balanced protein filled breakfast.
After completing your booty building workout, as a quick option for some booty building carbohydrates, try eating a piece of white bread. White bread is a fast-digesting carbohydrate and can help to replenish the muscles post workout. To spice it up, try making a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich for some added calories and a little bit of sugar. If you’re not a fan of the white bread, try white rice or even a sports drink as a fast option to replenish your muscle glycogen.
Protein Shake
Last but not least, if you’re a picky eater and you’re not feeling any of the choices for some booty building protein, when in doubt, make a protein shake. There are plenty of protein shake flavors on the market to satisfy every type of taste bud need, and it is a quick and easy to get your protein and calorie intake in a hurry. Getting the adequate amount of protein prior to and after a workout will be essential in growing and shaping the booty of your dreams, and with some healthy fats and gym dedication, you’ll be on your way to your body’s own version of Kim K., booty status in no time.
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