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Fixing iPhone Battery Bug

iPhone Battery Bug
Almost all tech bloggers are aware that owners of Apple’s iPhone line of handsets are historically the most loyal smartphone users in the world.

They love iPhones and they upgrade to new iPhones more regularly than patrons of any other mobile platform. As loyal as and satisfied as they are though, some doubt any iPhone user would make the claim that his or her handset is perfect. No, iPhones have problems just like any other smartphones, and some are more prominent than others.

While each user has his or her own complaints, there's one issue that always seems to bubble up to the top of every list: battery life. And just in case the issue wasn’t already frustrating enough, Apple has confirmed a bug that can make the iPhone’s comparatively poor battery life even more frustrating.

It was discussed numerous times in many platforms that Apple values design and thinness more than battery life. As a result, the iPhone 6s features battery life that doesn't quite measure up to rival Android phones, and the same can be said of the iPhone 6s Plus when compared to similarly sized phablets.

Just in case the iPhone’s battery life was'’t annoying enough, Apple has confirmed a newly uncovered bug that causes some iPhones to misreport the amount of charge remaining in a phone. As a result, iPhone batteries for affected users have been dying much sooner than expected.

That's the bad news. The good news is that the bug seems on only impact a small amount of users in very specific circumstances.

"If you change the time on your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus manually or change time zones when traveling, you might notice that the battery percentage doesn’t update," Apple said on a special page on its support site which was first discovered by Ars Technica.

Luckily, the fix is reasonably simple:
  • Restart the iPhone.
  • Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and make sure that Set Automatically is turned on.
Apple notes that the company is "aware of this issue and is investigating the cause and a solution," though it doesn’t state how soon a fix might be released.
