Caltex Fuel Your School (FYS), a collaborative program wherein senior-ready public schools, motorists and Caltex retailers, work together to provide quality classroom project materials in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) subjects, is feted as the grand prize winner in the “Improving Quality and Access to Education” category in the recent AmCham CSR Excellence Awards. It is estimated that at least 600 public school teachers and 102,000 public high school students will benefit from the FYS donation.
Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI), marketer of the Caltex fuels and lubricants, was lauded for its pioneering efforts of localizing Chevron’s global program in education to fit the needs of the Philippine public school teachers and students by focusing on the needs of public high schools that in 2015, the year Caltex FYS was launched in the country, were still preparing for the full implementation of senior high school grade levels.
Targeting the highest need senior public high schools in Metro Manila as its first year’s beneficiaries, Caltex Fuel Your School aimed for a five million pesos donation fund or Php150,000 per school to be raised by Caltex retailers and customers in the metropolis in one month. The FYS project partners, which also included the American Chamber Foundation (ACF) and the Department of Education, not only met the target but achieved it in a mere 24 days. As a result, teachers from at least 27 senior-ready public high schools shortlisted by the Department of Education were able to make their wish list come true when the FYS project partners delivered to their schools several laptops, multimedia systems, ,scientific calculators, tablets, laboratory equipment, books and other materials to make STEM learning easier for the incoming grades 11 and 12 students.
This achievement is also due to FYS’ highly successful social media project awareness campaign. FYS engaged the schools’ stakeholders -- from its teachers, students, parents, alumni to join forces with Caltex customers in driving the fuel-to-donate campaign. As a result, more than 6 million digital impressions and 2.8 million digital reach were logged during the two-month campaign period.
The AmCham CSR Excellence Awards is held every two years to recognize corporate social responsibility projects of member-companies of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines.
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