Finally, the latest version of the simple android server has been rebranded to Netloop VPN application. However, the application now comes with proxy server and free VPN, unlike the usual simple android server you pay to use the VPN features.
With the Netloop VPN application, free browsing gets to work at great speed; you can enjoy the MTN 0.0kb tweak and MTN BIS, etisalat tweak and any other working free browsing trick using Netloop VPN application. You can check our free browsing section to check-in for the most recent tweaks.
With the usage of Hotspot over VPN, you can be able to tunnel other devices. However, it’s recommended to root your device to gain access to that feature.
If you need any help in regards to the configuration of free browsing tweaks using Netloop VPN, please do let me know via comment section.
According to the developer of the application, it’s stated that the VPN of the Netloop VPN isn’t a full featured VPN, as it’s integrated for the purpose of tunneling. So don’t expect it to function as security focused VPN application. You can go through the list of VPN applications for free browsing.
VPN features:
• HTTP request Compression.
•Ability to modify TCP connection parameters.
• Ability to use hotspot over VPN ( Requires root )
•Ability to use multiple concurrent connections to the VPN servers for the best Network usage experience
Local server features:
•modify outgoing requests.
•specify alternate proxy servers to send a request through
•provide alternate headers and ability to strip headers from incoming http responses
•ability to choose number of connections to be maintained by the app (good for power management)
•ability to share configurations through any file transfer method.
•System wide proxy service
With the usage of Hotspot over VPN, you can be able to tunnel other devices. However, it’s recommended to root your device to gain access to that feature.
Where to download Netloop VPN Application?
The Netloop VPN application is available on Google playstore.
If you need any help in regards to the configuration of free browsing tweaks using Netloop VPN, please do let me know via comment section.
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