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Download Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge Stock Wallpapers on Android

Looking for some high quality wallpapers to download on your Android device or any other smartphone, then I advise you download the Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge stock wallpapers. This wallpaper pack comes with high quality images which has resolution of 2240 x 2240 or 2560 x 2560 pixels and best used as the default lockscreen wallpaper. However, the wallpaper satisfies a device with even a 1080p HD Quad display.

As known, the Galaxy S7 & S7 edge features a Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 2560 X 1440 and display density of 577ppi, so they both offer high quality wallpaper that can easily satisfy any recent android smartphone.

Going through the wallpapers, you get some which looks abstract, that is, users don’t get distracted on whatsoever that is going on the screen and also blends the screen, you get some other wallpapers based on the material design of the smartphone. The default wallpaper comes with a stunning black ascent and blue pattern.

Simply download the wallpapers from the above link. It’s all zipped. All you need to do is download using your computer or your device, unzip and move all the images to wallpapers folder and enjoy high quality wallpaper display.  

