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Google's Gmailify lets you use Gmail's popular feature with non Gmail account

Google last year, allowed users to link non-Gmail accounts (Yahoo, Outlook and Hotmail and other email services) to Gmail so that all the emails can be accessed at one place. Now Google has rolled out a new feature called Gmailify, that will allow now-Gmail accounts to use some of popular Gmail features. 

Non-Gmail accounts will now get access to all the popular Gmail features including Spam Protection and Inbox Organization. They will also be able to use Google Now cards, which means hotel and travel related information for non-Gmail accounts will show up as notifications.
  • Gmail's spam protection
  • Automatically sorting email based on type (Social, Updates, Promotions)
  • Faster search, with advanced search operators
  • Travel and hotel reservations appearing automatically in Google Now
  • All your mail in one place.
  • Better mail notifications on mobile
The new feature can be found inside the Gmail app for Android and on the web. To access the new feature, you will have to open the Gmail app or web service, and sign into your non-Gmail accounts and enable 'Gmailify'. To know more click here.

This feature will be limited limited to Yahoo, Outlook and Hotmail accounts for now, but Google plans to add other email services in the future.

