HP has teamed up with renowned fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi to create the Isaac Mizrahi smartwatch, aimed at women. The smartwatch is engineered by HP, combining Isaac Mizrahi's signature style. The watch offers essential features like message notifications, social media connection and a pedometer.
The Isaac Mizrahi smartwatch sports a classic look, with its round shape, large roman numerals and interchangeable bands. It comes with Swarovski crystal framed watch face in Silver and Gold-tone stainless steel, and the leather strap comes in five interchangeable colors. The analog movement with digital display has a translucent color-matched dial that hides the digital display when inactive.
The watch sports an OLED display and offers notification for incoming calls, calendar alerts, texts, emails and more along with basic activity tracking functionality. It is water resistant for up to 30 meters, offers battery life of up to 5 days, and is compatiple with iOS (8+) and Android (4.4+) devices.
The Isaac Mizrahi smartwatch, engineered by HP is priced at $249.99 and is available for purchase at HP's website. The interchangeable leather belts are priced at $39.99, while the custom charger, will set you back by $19.99.
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