We recently announced and share a couple of screens about 7th Dragon III Cdode: VFD - and now we have a little more information about the game. Oh, and a trailer.
Press release:
We wanted to take a moment and clear up the common misconceptions about dragons these days because of all the movies and TV shows depicting them in a positive light. So let's clear that up right now. Dragons. Are. Bad. News.
Starting off mid-apocalypse with terrifying dragons flying around and the toxic Dragonsbane flower in full bloom, it's pretty obvious that Earth is an extremely bleak place for humans. Fortunately, Nodens Enterprises -- the video game company dedicated to stopping the dragon menace -- has a plan: Travel through time to three different eras, so a small force can weaken the dragons' power. This therefore gives mankind a much-needed edge to defeat the True Dragons and stand a chance against the most powerful one of them all... the 7th Dragon: VFD.
Talking about traveling through time to defeat dragons is one thing, but actually traveling through time to defeat dragons is a whole different beast. The road to humanity's salvation is paved with a variety of draconian dragons, High Dragons, and True Dragons, so players must choose their teams carefully and adapt to each encounter.
Article by Nick
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