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Hero Reinvents The Medicine Cabinet

A startup out of New York City named Hero is debuting their new product tomorrow. At first glance, it looks like a fancy coffee maker, but in reality, it's a pill dispenser. But this pill dispenser has a few tricks up its sleeve. First of all, it's connected to your smartphone. You set when it should dispense for you on your phone, and it happens automatically on Hero. It can notify you when you're running low on pills and will give you a link to restock on Amazon. To load your pills, just pour your pills into their own "dispenser container... thing." When you want your pills dispensed manually, just tap the screen of Hero and your pills are dispensed with the correct dosage into a small cup. The only real drawback is the price. It's $399 to preorder this device and the retail price is expected to be about $999. Hero is expected to launch this summer.

