When Microsoft released the Edge browser it was missing out on the extension support, but promised it will be bringing the feature on-board. After a long wait Microsoft has finally brought support for extension to its web browser via Windows 10 build 14291.
Microsoft will offer three extension to test including Microsoft Translator, Reddit Extension and Mouse Gestures, which have to be manually installed. Note that, you should be a part of Windows Insider program to get the build and experience the new feature.
Currently it's an early look at how extension will work in Edge browser, but Microsoft says it plans to update the experience as it continues to test and upgrade Windows 10.
Other features included in the build includes, support for pinned tabs in Edge browser, a 'paste and go' option to copy text from clipboard into address bar to navigate a web page or do a web search (via Paste and search), updated maps, clock and alarm apps, improvements to the Japanese keyboard and inclusion of Feedback Hub.
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